Presenting – this year’s LIVE Bunny Easter Mini Sessions!
This year’s Elle Bea Photography LIVE bunny mini sessions in Chickamauga, Georgia just south of Chattanooga, Tennessee were a HUGE hit! My goodness what a great morning this was. Read on to see all the fluffy fun we had!!
Warning: Extremely adorable

Y’all. That is how you kick off springtime. Sweet little bunnies, adorable kids, a beautiful day in little ol’ Chickamauga, Georgia.
Does it get any better for an early spring Saturday morning photo shoot? I mean just look at the cuddles…

This year we had three bunny friends to snuggle – some of our cuddlers got their hands on all 3! Our bunny owner, Shawnda, was so great. If you’re thinking to yourself man, I really could use one of those… she sells bunnies just like these! Shoot me an email, I’ll get you in touch!
Shawnda is a bunny PRO and brought us the best fluffiest prettiest stars of the show we could ask for. One was a baby bunny!!! Speaking of babies check out all of the adorable in this next set of bunny pictures…

Can you believe the cute??
Magical. Baby bunnies, baby people. And the venue was amazing too! I loved shooting at the little blue truck again. The property is so beautiful and was perfect for our bunny mini sessions! Huge thank you to Stephanie for giving us access to her awesome place!
And good thing we had lots of space because we did have one little bunny chaser… don’t worry, everyone involved in the adorable little run-around enjoyed it a lot!

I so so so loved seeing so many smiling little faces enjoying their new bunny friends! The Chattanooga area has so many great places for bunny mini sessions, this was year two of hopefully many to come hosting this cuddliest mini of the year!
To all of this year’s bunny minis participants, I can’t tell you how much I loved our time together! Thank you so much for helping make this event a success, I am so lucky to have the best clients and friends in the world!

Missed our Chattanooga Bunny Mini Sessions this year? More to come!
Join me for a mini session!!
I would so love to have you!!! Check out this year’s mini session plans and let’s get in touch – my email list gets first dibs on all mini session signups, join the list for early access!!
Coming up: unicorn minis, pool party minis, and family beach minis – OH MY! It’s going to be a big year, don’t miss out!
Want to book a standalone portrait session?
Let’s do it! Head over to the contact page to get started booking your session – from families to birthday portraits to seniors, I’d love to work together! Now booking Prom 2022 Portrait Sessions!!
Drop me a line any time, I would love to connect! Thanks for checking out this year’s bunny mini sessions, share the cute – these images are all pinnable!
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