What is life cycle, lifestyle photography
Chattanooga area storytelling lifestyle photographer with long-term goals for your family
Confession – if you’re in the Chattanooga area, I totally want to be your go-to lifestyle photographer. From brides to moms of littles to moms of seniors, I love meeting new people and getting to know someone’s family through photo sessions. Even more than that, I love having clients come see me over and over for years. We know each other! We’ve got a thing going here. That is awesome, and it makes for great pictures (see one fantastic little family timeline I’ve been blessed to capture, throughout the post).
Whether we already had a history or it’s developed through our photo relationship, I can guarantee this – a relationship with you and your family is super special to me, and a very important part of my little business. Thus far, my real “specialty” in photography has been maintaining relationships. Instead of doing only weddings, only seniors, only kids, I’ve focused on keeping the storylines going long-term and I love it.

The baby in that picture knows me, can you tell? It makes a big difference, especially for kids! Keep scrolling to watch him grow up, way too fast.
What does this really look like (hint – scroll through and check out the photos!)
If you’re a bride, I would so love to be there for your wedding day! And then, I’d love to keep in touch. To have a relationship that lasts beyond the wedding and into your marriage and new family. Delivery of your wedding album moves to an anniversary shoot in your new home, we announce your first pregnancy and then frame your newborn’s first portraits. Your kids bake cookies with Santa and me. We’ve got a great thing going.
Or if you’re somewhere along that timeline already, let me join you where you’re at (whenever, wherever… sing Shakira). Let’s work together to tell your beautiful life’s story in years worth of photos. You don’t have to find a new photographer every time you need new photos anymore, I’ve totally got you.

Call up your photographer friend
What would it do for your images to have a person behind the camera who really cares about you? Only good things, I can guarantee that. Of course you also want a pro, someone who knows how to use the camera (raises hand). Why not both – skill to get the shot and attention to tell your story. Doesn’t that sound perfectly lovely?
Here’s the scene. You’re at Target with your sister in law – I’m there too, wandering aimlessly. We see each other across the Joanna Gaines home goods aisle, both smile excitedly, and you say “Hey! Sister, this is Lindsay – she’s my photographer.” That’s the goal! You have a my photographer. Not just somebody with a camera, not someone you have to get to know all over again, your photographer who knows you. I want that for you.

Why this style – my background
Photojournalist turned portrait lover
As a lifelong lover of all sorts of stories and holder of a photojournalism degree, storytelling works really well for me. It’s what I naturally default to. Whether we know each other already or not, expect to see me asking questions and finding out your background. I’m pretty good at it – you’re welcome to tell me to mind my own business, I likely won’t do it of my own accord.
Pictures of people are all I’ve ever done. I tried to be interested in person-less photos when I first got a digital camera as a kid, and it did not stick. Pretty as it may be, there’s no story in a picture of a flower. There’s just not. Photos that illustrate a person’s life or tell a noticeable story are very much my zone.

However, over the last ten years taking thousands of photos, I have grown to really love a perfectly posed, beautifully lit portrait in addition to real-life candid moments. Everything in life is a balance and this is no different, any session with a lifestyle photographer should include both portraits and freeze-time images and they all work together to tell your story.
More than just pictures – your story, in images
Life cycle, lifestyle photography means your life, in photos – in Chattanooga and beyond
Your wedding day will FLY by – in a few years you’ll say things to your husband like, “did that one cousin come or not?” Your baby’s perfectly pink newborn skin will turn to skinned little toddler knees in a matter of seconds. And then, your baby will move a tassel from one side to the other and you’ll say something like “how did it happen…”

There’s no stopping it (and why would you, it just gets better and better!) but you can capture it! Keep little pieces of your memories and, more importantly, the people in them. Those little things about your life you think you’ll never forget… having photos taken regularly helps guarantee you won’t. It’s your story – stick to it, and let it stick with you.
Taking a beautiful portrait requires skill, training, and technique. Getting images of real moments between you and the people you love requires something else. You should have both and you can! Especially with a photographer who really knows you.
Is Elle Bea Photography a good fit for me?
Chattanooga lifestyle photography with your photographer

Wouldn’t it be great if the person taking your Christmas card photos already knew that you don’t want your eyes to look “squinty”? Or that your husband is the best at getting the kids to really smile. Someone who can say let’s try it this way, you’ll like that better… and you actually believe they’re thinking of you?
That’s the whole point here, it’s not about me (notice there aren’t pictures of me in this post!) it’s about you and your story and how we can work together to tell it! On a much higher level, it’s about one great big story and how all of our images reflect His – can I just say how humbled I am to get to capture even a piece of that.

If all of that sounds like a great way to document your life and get photos you’ll love forever, we’re a good fit! I cannot WAIT to get involved in telling your story.
I’m so in – how do we get started?
Get in with YOUR Chattanooga area lifestyle photographer, starting now!
Let’s do it. Bride? Send an inquiry and we’ll get started working out the perfect details for your wedding day. I love working with couples on timeline creation and vendor recommendations, let me know how I can help you! My desire to know you is embedded in the entire process, from a pre-booking questionnaire to your always included engagement session and on to planning for the big day. My goal is to minimize bridal stress and maximize familiarity to put you at ease as you soak in this day that is the very beginning of your marriage.
Living your best life already? Contact me to book a session any time, how about now! There’s no bad time of year or time in your life to have family photos taken. Mini sessions are also a fantastic way to get started, check out the schedule and be sure to join the list so you don’t miss any! We’ll have fun and become friends as we document this time in your life.

Let’s make a visual timeline of your life
The people in this post’s photos – they’re some of my favorites in the world. I have been so incredibly privileged to get to not just watch their kids grow, but to also create a digital flip-book of their lives! Snagging toddler action shots (twice over!), photographing birthday parties, getting together every year for a family session. These are 8 of many hundreds of photos we’ve taken together and I feel SO lucky to have this kind of long-term story with anyone.
And it’s not just them! I am thrilled and humbled to have the best clients (and friends) in the world and every time a new family comes to me, I genuinely look forward to seeing them again! The relationships are important to me, and are an important part of delivering awesome galleries with the perfect mix of real moments and pretty portraits. If that’s something you’ve been looking for (or something you want after reading this far ) – let’s. do. it.

Book a session – let’s start something awesome
You read to the end, woo hoo! If you made it this far, we are probably a really good fit and you’re probably interested in photos! A relationship with a Chattanooga area lifestyle photographer is one click away. I already can’t wait to work together. And I’d love to hear from you any time!
Photos that are as you-full as they are beautiful. Let’s do this.
Movie quotes and song lyrics always provided, free of charge
I LOVE travel! Life cycle, lifestyle photography is not limited to just Chattanooga and North Georgia, I’d love to come visit wherever you are!
– Lindsay
PS – Want to join me super soon? Sign up for live bunny Easter minis on April 2!
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