Back for year THREE – it’s Live Bunny Easter Minis!!! This year Elle Bea Photography hosted live bunny Easter mini sessions at Matthew’s House, a property of Elizabeth Lee United Methodist Church, in downtown Chickamauga, Georgia – it’s been such a pleasure to host in Walker County each year! Keep reading to hear more about this super fun session and to see photos!!

Walker County Live Bunny Easter Minis 2023
Every year has been a new location and new bunny friends – and both this year were amazing!!! The history of EBP Live Bunny Minis is a little hilarious (finding bunnies to model each year, for example, is quite literally a wild bunny chase) and this year was no exception… among a series of random mishaps, we had a stray dog visitor for the better part of an hour. Of ALL the mini sessions to have a stray dog stay for 45 minutes, did it have to be the one where I already had live animals…
And yet, we had a GREAT time!!! Huge shoutout to the parents who helped me keep this dog at bay (see his photobomb work below…) and to my lovely assistant who will be appropriately appreciated later!! Bunny minis were my first attempt (but not only!) at using live animals for photos – I started offering them after hosting my first Santa minis in 2020 because I wanted to offer an Easter mini session, but I find the mall Easter Bunny figure to be a little, well… this:

Yeah, lets don’t do that…
Honestly, I already have enough kids who basically hate me for life for torturing them with Santa every year – I can’t be bringing THAT to follow up!! And thus, live bunny minis were born into the EBP Mini Session Lineup! That first year I really did not know what to expect, and it was for SURE a learning experience!! Fun fact I learned in round one: some people are seriously allergic to bunnies. Luckily it was an adult allergy, and don’t worry – he’s fine. Like I said, it’s been a ride…
But, I had a lovely friend who was willing to loan me her bunnies (and her yard!) for the day back in 2021, and I discovered we had a LOT of interested bunny cuddlers, so the bunny train has kept on rolling ever since!! Below are just a few highlights from this year’s ever-adorable Live Bunny Easter Mini Sessions – plus, a few bloopers 😉 Enjoy!!
See for yourself!! Walker County Bunny Mini Sessions 2023 Recap

And the bloopers…

Many, many thanks!!
This year’s Walker County Live Bunny Mini Sessions were so much fun – a HUGE shout out to all who participated to make it possible!!! All my thanks to each family who attended bunny mini sessions this year, it was so wonderful to see these little smiles and get to share the joy of the Easter season for a morning, and some bunny cuddles too!!
Thank you also to our bunny owners for lending us some friends to cuddle! As mentioned previously, this is not my first time asking someone to borrow their bunnies… so far, the awkward has not gone away. But our owners this year, as in previous years, were amazing! And these bunnies man, they love the camera! The white bunny even clapped for me one time!! When I say you never know what you’re going to get with this session…
Finally thanks to YOU for reading along!! If you’re enjoying the blog, make sure you join the email list!! You’ll get fresh blog posts in your inbox every month, and I’ve got plans coming up for a blog post scavenger hunt plus an April GIVEAWAY! It’s gonna be fun!! Thanks so much for reading, and Happy Easter!!
He is not here; for he is risen, even as he said.
One last MAJOR major thank you – to my lovely assistant, Lane!! This was not our first time working together so I already knew Lane was super helpful and just generally awesome, BUT I have got to say, for this session in particular – I am SO glad I had a competent assistant who was ready for literally anything!!
From helping me track down an animal control number (they’re closed on the weekends, fyi…) to chasing down runaway bunnies AND a stray dog, to holding a reflector over his head who even knows how many times – this guy had me SO covered!!!
Lane – you’re the BEST!!! Thank you thank you thank you for helping make this session a huge success, it would NOT have been the same without you!!

Need Walker County mini sessions in your life?? Join us for the rest of 2023!!
Missed this session? You missed out – but not forever, more minis to come throughout 2023!! Follow along by joining the email list! Enter your email in the footer or fill out the contact form to be added to the EBP email tribe! This is where I send out mini session announcements and fun photo events first so you’ll always have early access, plus receive a monthly newsletter with more fun content like this!

Looking to book an individual family or kids session? Let me know!! I would absolutely love to see your family soon! Shoot me an email and I will send over the Family Pricing Guide with info on session types and availability – I can’t wait to document your family’s story! Specific guides on seniors and weddings also available – inquire for details!
Whether it’s a 2023 mini session or a full session for the whole family, let’s get to telling your story! It’s going to be beautiful. Be sure to join the email list (box in the footer, below!) for all the latest and early access to mini sessions, and thank you for reading about our 2023 Walker County Bunny Mini Sessions!!!

Thanks for reading!! Thoughts? Comments? Ideas? Leave it in the comments!!
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