Elle Bea Photography Presents – Fall Farm Mini Sessions at Branches in Chattanooga!
Well guys, I’m back with another new mini session for 2022 – Chattanooga Farm Mini Sessions! We got ALL kinds of fall going just for our guests at a beautiful property called Branches, located in Hixson, Tennessee. As a lifelong lover of all things fall (minus pumpkin spice…), this was totally my thang!!! Keep reading to see the snuggles, smiles, siblings, and FALL y’all!!

We had a weather scare prior to these minis – dear Hurricane Ian, thanks but no thanks. Luckily, I have a personal weatherman on retainer at all times so I called up some clear skies and we were good to go! Really I do have a personal weatherman, but he won’t take my money and claims he predicts weather, not controls it… we’ll see about that.
This session would not have happened without our visionary and host, Heather! She is pictured above with her little guy, who also doubled as my assistant for several of these minis. How sweet are they… you have no idea!! Keep scrolling for more pumpkins, and lots of love!!

As usual, the kiddos stole the show here. I got to teach “the cowboy face” (above on the tractor, obviously), witnessed lots of super sweet siblings, and put my running shoes on to catch some adorable little boy memories!! In case I haven’t said it before, this is truly the best, and sometimes the most entertaining, job ever.

Family love at family minis!
Although I have the immense privilege of shooting a range of people-photography (see some examples!), all of them are centered around family – so getting to focus exclusively on these sweet, sweet families and capture both some right-now memories and their unending love for each other blessed my heart like I can’t even say!!! Look at that LOVE!!! That is truly what it’s all about.

Complimenting these precious crews was the setting – Branches was the PERFECT property for these Chattanooga family mini sessions!! The fall set, designed by the owners and pictured below, was absolutely incredible!! And, the natural backdrop of this location, pictured above, was equally amazing, giving us such a wonderful variety of images in both fall color glory and neutral, natural beauty!

All the pumpkins, hold the spice…
I recently mentioned to my email list that I am – unpopular opinion alert – a pumpkin spice hater. BUT, the actual pumpkins I absolutely love!!! There truly is nothing more fall, that is until you put a ton of them together on a hay ride trailer next to corn stalks, sunflowers, hay bales, vintage quilts… you get it. It was perfect. Some of the pumpkins were bigger than some of the children!

Little punkin’ with a BIG pumpkin! And a father-son moment that I just love, set or no set. Our little visitors really enjoyed the props! One in particular thought it ALL looked good enough to eat, to the great amusement of her family (and her photographer!) – see below!!

Every session these days I seem to build an attachment to a particular tree or set of trees and oh my goodness, “my tree” from this session one was one of my favorites ever – Heather can verify, I was pretty obsessed with this tree. From the time she brought me to location scout, to the FaceTime call with her where I kept saying things like “look how the tree hangs there!”, and on through the whole session, it was a thing with me and this tree.
If anybody knows what type of tree is graciously framing the top of the next three photos, please tell me!!!

Fall-themed Family Photography at the beautiful Branches near Chattanooga, Tennessee
ALL of the thank you’s to the wonderful families who participated in our first Chattanooga Farm Family Mini Sessions!!! I am so, so grateful to get to be part of documenting and treasuring these moments with your family – thank you for trusting me with your memories and your children!!
To see more photos from Fall Farm Minis, checkout the highlights album here.

And to our hosts at Branches, you are the BEST!!! Heather, your work (pictured above) was fall perfection, absolutely beautiful job. And to all the folks of Branches, this property is truly amazing. I am so thankful to have gotten to share this location with some incredible clients, and even more so to call you all friends!! Thank you for hosting us!!

To each one of you pictured in this post and everyone who assisted behind the scenes, thank you for making these smiles happen!! Keep smiling, keep loving each other, and don’t forget to save the moments forever from time to time 🙂 I’ll be here when you need me and can’t wait to see you again!! Happy FALL!!

If you missed this session, you definitely missed out – but not forever, more minis to come!! Follow along by joining the email list – enter your email in the footer or fill out the contact form to be added to the EBP email tribe! This is where I send out mini session announcements and fun photo events first so you’ll always have early access, plus receive a monthly newsletter with more fun content like this!
More family and kids photography mini sessions near Chattanooga, Tennessee!

Want more new photos of your family or kids this year? You’re in LUCK!! Elle Bea Photography has a few more mini sessions planned for 2022 including Tree Farm Minis happening again SOON! And already live – Santa Minis at Red Barn Designs and our most popular event of the year… Baking with Santa!!!
Looking to book an individual family or kids session? Let me know!! I would absolutely love to see your family soon! Shoot me an email and I will send over the 2022 Pricing Guide with info on session types and availability. I can’t wait to document your family’s story!
Whether it’s an upcoming mini session or a full session for the whole family, let’s get to telling your story! It’s going to be beautiful. Be sure to join the email list (box in the footer, below!) for all the latest and early access to mini sessions, and thank you for reading about EBP’s Chattanooga Farm Mini Sessions!!!
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