It’s 2023!!!
How is it that almost every year, we all seem to find ourselves saying “I can’t believe it’s 202X already.” (almost every year, because you know… some years get long). Though I’m not a big New Year’s resolutions girl, I definitely like planning and goal setting – maybe a little too much!! So just for fun (and maybe a little accountability!) I wanted to kick the year off by sharing a few 2023 goals and plans from your local photographer friend (that’s me!).

Before we go any further, if you aren’t already a subscriber please join the EBP email list!! It’s a fun place!! You’ll receive a monthly newsletter full of upcoming events, blog content, a photo reel, and oh – early access to mini sessions. If you like what you see here or want to take part in any minis this year, it’s definitely for you!! After you join the list, drop me a line to say hi!!
EBP 2023 – Local Photographer Goals
Let’s do this in two categories, shall we? First a few photography and business related goals, then a few personal! If you have any advice or pro tips on any of these, I would love to hear!!
EBP Photography/Business Goals
- Attend a photography conference – already done!! Loved being part of the Noobie Conference, now called the Bokeh Conference, hosted right down the road in Chattanooga, Tennessee!!
- Start a local photographer’s meetup – currently in the works, if you are a photographer in the area or know someone who is, hit me up for more info!!
- Update website + branding materials – be on the lookout for a VERY new and improved look and feel to all branding materials and especially to ellebeaphotography.com!
- Strengthen + publish brand positioning – part of the new website will be a polished brand statement, coming soon!
- Implement SEO strategy – stepping up my game in the search engines! Es ee ohhhhh….
- Start an EBP family ambassador program – interested?? Let me know!!
- Continue to send monthly newsletter + add EBP Insider – an extra edition per month just for those who are really in the know (extra early access to minis, anybody?). Not on the list? Join us now!!
- Publish 2-3 session blog posts + 1 informational blog post per month – Expect to see minis recaps, featured sessions, and helpful info related to Walker County locals and photography business!
- Include + encourage more printed products – Printed photos, books, and albums have always been so so special and important to me, this year I want to do better about extending special product opportunities to my awesome clients!!
- Take a Pinterest course – I know I know… sounds a little, really… But yes, really! Know a great Pinterest for business course? Send it my way!
EBP Personal Goals
- Complete a half marathon – it’s on the books!! Catch me if you can (it won’t be hard…) heading to my favorite place – Walt Disney World!! Coming up way too soon… I am hoping to finish the half in under three hours! Slow and steady finishes the race, y’all.
- Marie Kondo my life – confession: I can be a total hoarder. I’m working on it!! Pretty sure the thrift store is wondering why I don’t just open my own thrift store, but it feels GOOD!!
- FINISH 6 books – not overly ambitious, that’s one book every other month – should be attainable! To quote a great friend (and second shooter – images on this page by the wonderfully talented Jenna!), “I am a very good book starter.”
- Start some great new habits – the first book this year that I have ALMOST finished is Atomic Habits, and it’s a game changer!!
- Organize my own photos – teachers are the worst students… I do print photos, like I said prints are super important and special to me!! I do not, however, always have the best organization for them. Working on it in 2023!
- Cruise! – it has been a while since I’ve been on a cruise ship, and not just because of Covid – hoping to change that in 2023! Did you know I’m also a travel agent?? Hit me up for planning and info on Disney, Universal, and various cruiseline vacations!!
- Clean up my diet – I may have been running a good number of miles per week but man, that diet could use some work. I do okkkk… but could do a lot better! Here’s to 2023, the year of finally eating like an adult…
- Read the chronological Bible in a year – saved the big one for last! I’ve always wanted to read the Bible in a year and even started the traditional Bible In a Year a couple of times, but the organization of it didn’t fit my personality as well as the chronological version! Does this count as a 7th book for the year, or 72nd??
Local Photographer 2023 Goals Swap – share yours!
Well folks, there are “a few” goals for 2023!! Did I mention I love to plan? Publishing these here will certainly add a layer of accountability – feel free to check in any time for updates!!
How about you?? Any 2023 goals now that we’re a few weeks in? Leave them in the comments – I’d love to hear your ambitions, big and small!!
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